Lead Like A Pro: 15 Best Books For New Managers

Best Books for New Managers

Becoming a manager is a significant milestone in one’s career journey, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. Finding the best books for new managers can provide valuable insights and guidance as they navigate their new role. As a new manager, it’s crucial to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead effectively and inspire your team to success. One of the most valuable resources for new managers is books that offer insights, strategies, and practical advice from experienced leaders. In this blog post, we’ll explore the 15 best books for new managers should read to kickstart their leadership journey and thrive in their role.

What Skills Should Be Trained for New Managers?

As a new manager, it’s essential to develop a diverse set of skills to thrive in your role and effectively lead your team to success. But what skills should you focus on training as a new manager? Let’s explore some key competencies that will set you up for success:

  • Leadership Skills: Leadership is at the core of effective management. As a new manager, honing your leadership skills will help you inspire and motivate your team to achieve their goals. Key leadership skills to train for include:
    • Leading by example: Setting a positive example for your team through your actions and behavior.
    • Inspiring and motivating teams: Encouraging team members to perform at their best and achieve their full potential.
    • Decision-making and problem-solving: Making sound decisions and solving problems efficiently to drive results.
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential for building strong relationships, fostering collaboration, and aligning team members towards common goals. As a new manager, focus on improving your communication skills in the following areas:
    • Active listening: Paying attention to what others are saying and seeking to understand their perspectives.
    • Providing constructive feedback: Offering feedback in a constructive and supportive manner to help team members grow and develop.
    • Conflict resolution: Resolving conflicts and disagreements among team members in a fair and respectful manner.
  • Time Management and Prioritization: Managing your time effectively and prioritizing tasks is crucial for staying organized and productive as a manager. Train yourself in:
    • Delegating tasks effectively: Assigning tasks to team members based on their skills and workload to optimize productivity.
    • Setting and managing priorities: Identifying the most important tasks and allocating time and resources accordingly.
    • Balancing responsibilities: Juggling multiple responsibilities and deadlines while maintaining quality and efficiency.
  • Emotional Intelligence and Empathy: Building strong relationships with your team members requires empathy and emotional intelligence. Train yourself to:
    • Understand and manage emotions: Recognizing and regulating your own emotions, as well as understanding the emotions of others.
    • Building trust and rapport: Establishing trust and credibility with your team through open communication and genuine care.
    • Handling difficult conversations with empathy: Addressing sensitive issues or conflicts with empathy and understanding.

In your journey as a new manager, don’t forget to leverage resources that can help you develop and strengthen these essential skills, such as the best books for new managers. These books offer valuable insights, strategies, and practical advice from experienced leaders, empowering you to lead with confidence and effectiveness. So, dive into these books and let them guide you on your path to becoming a successful manager!

Cultivate a love of reading; it is the key to unlocking the vast treasures of knowledge and imagination.

What are Best Books for New Managers ?

1) The First 90 Days” by Michael D. Watkins

Provides a comprehensive guide for new managers to navigate the critical transition period into a new role.

Offers strategies for accelerating learning, building relationships, and delivering results during the first three months.

Emphasizes the importance of understanding the organization’s culture, setting clear goals, and managing stakeholders effectively.

Helps new managers avoid common pitfalls and overcome challenges in the early stages of their leadership journey.

2) High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove

Offers timeless principles for improving productivity and communication in a management role.

Emphasizes the importance of setting clear objectives, defining key results, and holding individuals accountable for their performance.

Provides practical advice on managing teams, making decisions, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Highlights the role of managers in driving organizational success and achieving high output from their teams.

3) The Making Of A Manager by Julie Zhuo

Offers insights into the challenges and rewards of transitioning from an individual contributor to a manager.

Provides practical advice on building trust, giving feedback, and managing performance effectively.

Emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, empathy, and continuous learning in becoming an effective leader.

Offers actionable strategies for managing time, prioritizing tasks, and balancing competing priorities in a managerial role.

4) The New One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson:

Introduces the concept of situational leadership, where managers adapt their leadership style based on the needs of the situation and the individual.

Offers practical tools for setting goals, providing feedback, and delegating tasks effectively in just a minute.

Emphasizes the importance of clear expectations, praise for progress, and redirection for mistakes in driving performance and motivation.

Provides a simple yet powerful framework for new managers to lead with clarity, compassion, and effectiveness.

5) The Manager’s Path by Camille Fournier

Offers a guide for aspiring and current managers at various stages of their career, from individual contributor to executive.

Provides insights into the different roles and responsibilities of managers, including technical leadership, people management, and strategic planning.

Emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, mentorship, and self-reflection in growing as a leader.

Offers practical advice on navigating common challenges, such as managing difficult personalities, handling conflicts, and scaling teams effectively.

6) GOOD TO GREAT by Jim Collins

Explores why some companies make the leap from good to great while others fail to achieve sustainable success.

Identifies key characteristics of great companies, including disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action.

Emphasizes the importance of leadership, culture, and strategic focus in driving long-term performance and growth.

Offers practical insights and case studies from successful companies to inspire new managers to lead their teams to greatness.

7) HBR’s 10 Must Reads for New Managers 

Curated collection of articles from Harvard Business Review covering essential topics for new managers.

Addresses key challenges and opportunities faced by new managers, including leading teams, managing performance, and driving innovation.

Offers actionable insights and best practices from leading experts in management and leadership.

Provides a comprehensive overview of the skills and competencies needed to succeed in a managerial role.

8) The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

Offers candid insights and practical advice from a seasoned entrepreneur and executive on navigating the challenges of leadership.

Addresses common issues faced by leaders, including hiring, firing, and managing underperformance.

Emphasizes the importance of resilience, perseverance, and adaptability in overcoming obstacles and driving success.

Provides real-world examples and case studies to illustrate key principles and strategies for leading through adversity.

9) Welcome to Management: How to Grow From Top Performer to Excellent Leader by Ryan Hawk

Provides a roadmap for transitioning from an individual contributor to a manager, offering practical advice and actionable strategies.

Emphasizes the importance of mindset, skillset, and toolset in becoming an effective leader.

Offers insights into building relationships, communicating effectively, and leading with confidence and authenticity.

Provides exercises and tools to help new managers develop their leadership capabilities and achieve their career goals.

10) Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For by William Gentry

Explores the qualities and behaviors of effective leaders who inspire and motivate their teams.

Identifies key traits of admired leaders, including humility, integrity, and empathy.

Offers practical tips and strategies for building trust, fostering collaboration, and creating a positive work environment.

Provides insights from research and real-world examples to help new managers cultivate their leadership skills and become the boss everyone wants to work for.

11) From Supervisor to Super Leader: How to Break Free From Stress and Build a Thriving Team by Susan Fowler

Offers a guide for supervisors transitioning into leadership roles, providing practical advice and tools for success.

Explores the challenges of leadership, including managing conflicts, motivating teams, and driving performance.

Emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and continuous learning in becoming a super leader.

Provides actionable strategies and exercises to help new managers overcome obstacles and build thriving teams.

12) Everyone Deserves a Great Manager by Scott Jeffrey Miller

Offers insights into the critical role of managers in driving employee engagement, productivity, and retention.

Provides practical advice and tools for developing leadership skills, building trust, and inspiring teams to greatness.

Emphasizes the importance of coaching, feedback, and recognition in fostering a culture of high performance.

Offers actionable strategies and real-world examples to help new managers become great leaders who empower and support their teams.

13) The First-Time Manager by Loren B. Belker, Jim McCormick, and Gary S. Topchik

Provides a comprehensive guide for first-time managers, offering practical advice and proven strategies for success.

Covers essential topics such as communication, delegation, decision-making, and performance management.

Emphasizes the importance of building relationships, setting clear expectations, and providing feedback to your team.

Offers tips and techniques for overcoming common challenges faced by new managers and thriving in a leadership role.

14) Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity  by Kim Scott

Introduces the concept of radical candor, which involves caring personally while challenging directly.

Offers practical advice and tools for providing feedback, fostering a culture of accountability, and building strong relationships with your team.

Emphasizes the importance of clear communication, empathy, and trust in creating a high-performing team.

Provides real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the impact of radical candor on leadership effectiveness and team dynamics.

15) The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever” by Michael Bungay Stanier

Introduces a coaching approach to leadership that focuses on asking questions and empowering others to find their own solutions.

Offers seven essential coaching questions that new managers can use to unlock potential, drive learning, and foster innovation.

Skills for New Managers


Becoming a successful manager requires continuous learning and growth. By investing time in reading and applying the insights from these 15 best books for new managers, new managers can enhance their leadership skills, build strong relationships with their teams, and drive meaningful results in their organizations. Remember, leadership is a journey, and with the right resources and mindset, you can lead like a pro and inspire others to do the same. Let us know in comments which book you like most and your learning.